Ad Terram Canada

Lourens has been farming in Manitoba since 1981 and has grown everything from potatoes and onions to grain. Sandor has been working in the agriculture industry since 2004, handling sales, logistics and food safety. Together they have supplied companies across North America and grown one of the largest shallot and onion set operations in Canada.

With more chemicals being removed from the market every season and with consumers becoming more conscientious about what goes into their food, Lourens and Sandor see the need for an alternative solution and are excited to bring Ad Terram products to Canada to fill that need.

They are currently running trials on onions, peas, beans and lentils in Manitoba and plan to expand into other crops in the coming season.


Contact Details

Managing Director: Sandor Arendse

Box 450, 10 Miller Rd,
Oakville, MB ROH OYO
